
The oldest profession Facebook

Information and interesting articles about the Facebook aspect of which certainly do not often talk. The 83% of prostitutes have a Facebook page (most likely a profile): dal 2008 il 25% of clients of prostitutes coming from Facebook and the end

The internet was in 2010

The infographic below is another of the many appeared in recent weeks that sums up the state of the Internet in 2010. Among the most interesting data obviously the confirmation of two trends: the importance of social media and video

Facebook vs Twitter

Facebook is not much to add. Everyone knows, everyone uses and, at least in Italy, his rule is absolute. But at the global level Twitter still has much to say and it is true that in many cases

Twitter 75 a 190 million users

In this infographic Flowtown takes the results and key events in Twitter 2010. arrived in 190 million user (little more than a third of Facebook) Twitter is still relatively well known and widespread in Italy. E’ definently

Un po’ of on iOS App Store Data

I finally found a place to post infographics on social media. Given that this is what we deal, among other things, this blog is definitely more suitable than my personal blog, where I will continue to report those

Online M2 Pictures website

E’ The online site of the M2 Pictures, the new home of Rudolph Gentile and Marco Dell'Utri distribution we also followed in the early Moviemax project. The site, that will follow all the first steps in the life of

Follow the World Cup with Mundial!

The World Cup 2010 They are about to start and we follow them with Mundial!, the iPhone application, iPod Touch (and iPad) that we co-product. To follow updates from the games the app also updates its Facebook page and the account