The Most Popular Trailers of February 2021

The address book is back #HitManiaTrailer with the most popular trailers on Facebook and YouTube in February.

The ranking opens with the teaser trailer for The cruel, Disney movie that will tell the origins of the villain Crudelia De Mon, whose release is scheduled for 2021, che ottiene un engagement score di 50.7K e 77.7K di video views total.

In second place we find Raya and The Last Dragon, Disney movie coming out on Disney Plus, dal 5 Marzo, con engagement score di 26.9K e 1.7M video views.

The trailer of the new Marvel series gets the third place The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, output the 19 Marzo, always on Disney + with engagement score of 21.4K e 139.6K video views.

01 Distribution gets a ranking with the trailer After 3 al quarto posto. The third installment of the saga gets 19.8K of engagement score e 433.1K di video views.

The fifth and sixth places are occupied by two Warner Bros. content. Pictures, Mortal Kombat,new adaptation of the famous saga e Godzilla vs Kong, film with the clash between the two titans, with respectively 17.2K e 16.6K of engagement score e 20.5K e 19.9M of video views.

Netflix ottiene 3 positions in the standings: in seventh place we find the trailer for Yes Day, comedy to be released on 12 March, che ottiene 12.4K of engagement score e 10K video views; at the eighth the trailer of Tribes of Europa, fantasy series from the creators of Dark, che ottiene 9.9K of engagement score e 42.2K video views and in ninth place On The Same Wave, Italian film to be released on 25 March, che ottiene 6.7K of engagement score e 43.2K video views.

At the bottom we find another Warner Bros. trailer. Pictures, Zack Snyder’s Justice League which will arrive on Thursday 18 March, available on-demand and digital download. The trailer earns an engagement score of 6.4K e 55.3K video views.

From the ranking you can see how there are trailers of content coming out in different ways, for example the classic mode in the cinema, as for Cruella and After 3; OTT mode for Netflix content and paid digital mode, such as Raya and the Last Dragon will be released digitally but with additional payment, and Zack Snyder's Justice League will be available on-demand and digital download on various streaming platforms. In fact, Warner Bros. Pictures will launch all of its content at the same time as the cinema, where possible, and can also be rented on PVOD platforms.

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