HIT MANIA TRAILER – I trailer più popolari di Febbraio 2020

trailers released

Despite the difficulties of this period, address book #HitManiaTrailer back to keep you company with the ranking of the most popular movie trailers on the company in the month of February and to open the top ten they think adorable Lady and the Tramp.

In first place with a score of engagement 99.5K, the official trailer for the live-action Lady and the Tramp, distributed on the new streaming platform from Disney + 24 March, can not reach 1.9M video views totali. Also on the series will debut Disney + The Mandalorian that with the official trailer positioned in seventh place gets an engagement score 25.9K e 2.3M video views totali.

From the universe Disney are second in the official trailer de The Call of the Wild con un engagement score di 84.3K e 2.1M video views totali, while in fifth place the new trailer for Mulan reaches 1.2M video views totali e un engagement score di 45.7K. The new trailer Onward – Besides the magic It ranks eighth with 3.3M video views totali e un engagement score di 25.8K.

Universal is presented in the standings with three titles: in tenth place with the official trailer horror The Invisible Man that counts 488.6K video views totali e un engagement score di 13.5K; more about sixth in the trailer for the new chapter of the saga, Fast & Furious 9, get a score of engagement 35.1K con 1.9M video views totali; Finally, just below the podium, al quarto posto, the trailer for the new film of Minions (Minions 2: As Crane became Despicable) reaches 1.8M video views totali con un engagement score di 61.4K.

In ninth place we find the new chapter teaser trailer After con un engagement score di 23.6K e 540.9K video views totali. Sul podio, in the third position, Netflix is ​​present with the teaser of the fourth season Stranger Things: the video has reached an engagement score 63.4K e 344.8K video views totali.

Non dimenticate di tornare suHit Mania Trailer per scoprire le evoluzioni della classifica nel mese di Marzo o scriveteci ahitmaniatrailer@bradek.it se desiderate che i vostri trailer appaiano in classifica.

Al via il test di una nuova funzione di Instagram per gestire i contenuti nel proprio feed

New feature of Instagram

Sembra proprio che sia in arrivo una nuova funzione di Instagram, o quantomeno che siano in atto le prove generali: come riporta l’esperta Jane Manchun Wong, sembra che il social network stia testando un’impostazione che permetterà agli utenti di gestire al meglio i contenuti visualizzati nel proprio feed.

Sarà infatti possibile dividere gli utenti “Seguiti” in categorie, separandoli per argomento trattato o persino in base alle proprie interazioni con loro. Come si può vedere dagli screenshot seguenti, postati su Twitter dalla stessa Manchun Wong, la funzione divide automaticamente gli utenti in liste dedicate all'”Arte”, to “Fumetti” o ai “Viaggi”, in base alla tipologia impostata dagli account business. Non solo: tra le categorie ne figurano anche due che inglobano gli utenti con cui si interagisce di meno e quelli che vengono mostrati più spesso nel feed, in base alle proprie abitudini di navigazione tra i profili e di utilizzo del social network.

New feature of Instagram - Listing

Queste ultime due sono particolarità molto interessanti di questa possibile nuova funzione di Instagram: mostrando agli utenti quali sono gli account con cui interagiscono di meno, il social network sembra invitarli a costruirsi un feed più scorrevole e interessante a favore della user experience, prediligendo quindi la qualità dei contenuti a discapito della loro quantità. Una deriva, questa, che sembra dirigersi verso il futuro degli algoritmi dei social network: solo lo scorso anno, Twitter ha sperimentato una funzione che suggeriva agli utenti chi smettere di seguire per migliorare la propria navigazione sulla piattaforma, alleggerendola da contenuti ritenuti superflui.

Non è ancora chiaro se questa nuova funzione, attualmente solo in fase di test, verrà effettivamente implementata all’interno di Instagram, così come non sono mai stati resi noti da Twitter i risultati dell’esperimento effettuato lo scorso anno.

Source: Instagram Tests New Following List Categories to Help Manage Your Content Feed di Andrew Hutchinson

Nerve – Gamification con Facebook Canvas

Nel corso della campagna promozionale del film Nerve abbiamo creato una serie di contenuti creativi che ricalcavano le diverse sfide e modalità di gioco contenute all’interno del film e in particolare un Facebook Canvas interattivo ispirato al tema del film.

Per il titolo, distribuito in Italia da Leone Film Group, abbiamo curato sia la gestione social media, compresa la creazione di nuove creatività, che il social advertising.

Le creatività elaborate in combinazione con i copy avevano la funzione di stimolare la curiosità del target teen/tween attraverso innovative modalità di gamification.

Una tra le tante creatività pubblicate è stato il Facebook Canvas:

Abbiamo utilizzato questo strumento di Facebook con una innovativa combinazione tra asset statici e video in cui si ripercorrevano i punti focali sui quali è basato il film: Spettatore o Giocatore.

Il Canvas era a sua volta composto da 7 unità Canvas che proponevano un percorso sotto forma di quiz interattivo:


Cliccando sull’immagine alla fine di ogni percorso c’era la possibilità di lanciare una sfida taggando un proprio amico, tutto senza uscire dall’esperienza a schermo intero di Facebook:

L’esperimento ha riscosso molto successo, ottenendo eccellenti performance in termini di costo. Anche le immagini di sfida hanno ottenuto un interaction rate molto elevato, contribuendo a rendere popolare il film tra il target audience.

#The dress dress that shocked the Net

Kittens do strange things, combattutte wars to the sound of # among the fandom of the pop idols of the moment, buckets of water for philanthropic purposes. Virality is a product of the network which all aspire marketers but manages to lash out in ways less predictable and more interesting. We wake up today we had an example with #TheDress, a bad picture quality diffused by a user of Tumblr desperate because of the impossibility of being able to agree with her friends on the color of the dress: white and gold or blue and black?

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Good, a seemingly trivial question, thanks to the magnifying power of social networks, He has transformed the Shakespearean Hamlet question of memory in a questioncina Bar: his Twitter, but not only, the # related to the dress and the colors began to take off becoming trending topic everywhere and forming two real teams with a worldwide coverage, as well as the usual reworkings in ironic and funny key, Scientific and journalistic insights into the different color perception, as well as the creativity of the most demanding brand to social phenomena.

To give an idea of ​​the scope of this wave of global bewilderment than the fallacy of our optical perceptions, according to site statistics Topsy, #The dress has been tweeted more than a million times in a day. #whiteandgold is at stake 310 thousand (more about 15 Mixed #goldndwhite), #blackandblue and #blueandblack traveling altogether on 212 thousand tweets.

Beyond the reason of the viral success of the image (l’intrinseca call to action, undermine the established user expectation as to be able to identify with absolute certainty one color), as usual it is interessane also see the activities that different brands have set up to engage the Twitter TT. Among the best is that of Lego, (among other things, fresh from brilliant initiative launched for the Oscars, namely the creation of bricks against the statuettes “snub” di The Lego Movie), that not only plays on the colors but also on the dress.

But not bad also who banked with intelligence and humor the discussion towards the social company colors, joking about his being “part of” come Cirque du Soleil. Which among other things in his team “Yellow and blue” drew suffered a supporter not minor as Ikea.

They had rather easy game the Rolling Stones and the Backstreet Boys, both authors of an album called Black & Blue. Which otherwise it seems to be precisely the true color of the dress, according to the brand that has created and has obviously made it back in stock in stock.

Anyway, with nightfall and the kindling of strong indoor lights, #WhiteAndGold the team looks set to surrender to a stinging defeat. Who leaves the sure winner from this experience however is Twitter, who literally snatched the phenomenon to Tumblr and has confirmed the fastest and most effective platform in making a viral so genuinely spontaneous content.

Make way for the new social: Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram those grown more in Q3 2014

HE Facebook continues to predominate for the number of active registered users, are other platforms in the running to make his way in the world panorama of social networks. Tumblr, Pinterest e Instagram are the destinations that have grown more rapidly in the third quarter of 2014, respectively 120%, del 111% e 64% in terms of active accounts on a monthly basis. Slower but still significant growth of user base: the platform for microblogging has increased its nearly half (45%), users who “spillano” their favorite images in virtual whiteboards increased by 57% while the photo and video sharing service, owned by Facebook, He scored a +36%.

As shown in the data of Global Web Index, percentages by far minors are those that come from the most popular social networks but also more consolidated and with less room for expansion. That of Zuckerberg even last place, with just a 6% growth in total users. Better Twitter with a +18% the account number and a +26% nell'utenza active. For all it is still an improvement over the second quarter of the current year, in which it was pointed out more than a negative sign between the major social destinations worldwide. Not by chance, It decreased by 14% the share of navigating between the 16 e i 64 years who said they had not made use of any of these platforms in the period between July and September.

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Source: GWI

The State of Social Media according to Nielsen – Social Network, points of access and content

From Social Media status report published by Nielsen (get more data HERE e HERE), It appears that Facebook not only is the busiest social media, as indeed it was easy to imagine, but it has also become in the imagination of American internet users (and not only) synonymous with the entire web world.

Another important fact is that in order to access social networks no longer need to stay at home in front of the computer. For at least 2 social media addicted on 5 (almost the 37%), infatti, favorite tools to access social have become those that belong to the world Mobile, Thanks to apps developed for Smartphone e Tablet.

Compared to last year, access to social networks from the mobile network grew significantly in the age groups higher (35-54 e 55 and more)

The content on which focus more user activities are music, the web browsing, GPS features and games.

(Source: Briansolis)