Italia sempre più social e mobile

In Italy over 39 million use internet (+4% over the previous year) e 31 million are active on social media. Of these, 28 million accessing social via Mobile (47% the entire population). These are the figures that emerge from the report "Digital in 2017 Global Overview”, realizzato da We Are Social in collaborazione con Hootsuite, that every year photographing the state of the global digital landscape.


Youtube and Facebook the most popular social, while Instagram consolidates third place with 28% users, an increase of 16 percentage points from 2016, against Twitter. In contrast to the world average, WhatsApp is the most used app in Italy messaging, detaching Facebook Messenger 15 points. Snapchat makes its appearance in the ranking, Immediately behind that Tumblr, with Pinterest, He has significantly increased its user base from the previous year. It also grows LinkedIn, which has a percentage of active users equal to 19%, against the 25% that is found globally.


Another interesting use of social respect to age, which appears increasingly cross, confirming the fact that social media are no longer the exclusive use – almost – of children and young people, but it is becoming an information and communication tool mainstream.


The time spent by Italians on social media is two hours a day and the country remains among those with the highest penetration of phones compared to the world population, with a rate of 85%, behind only Spain and Singapore.


Among the other survey data:

  • Italians prove to be very likely to use content, increasingly in mobility
  • il 52% of the Italian population accesses, monthly, on social platforms, compared to a global average of 37% (the United Arab, first country in this ranking, It has a penetration of 99%)
  • the most interesting is the use of Facebook: il 74% the Italian who uses it, he does every day (against a global average of 55%), reflecting the fact that Italians, compared to people from other countries, They use less platforms, but they do it more often.

Some world evidence:

  • more than half the world's population uses a smartphone
  • nearly two thirds of the world population owns a mobile phone
  • more than half of Internet traffic is generated by the mobile
  • more than half of the mobile broadband connections happening today
  • more than one in five of the world's population has made at least one online purchase in the past 30 days