Receipts and social: a perfect pair

More and more market analysis, especially in the US, correlate the popularity on social actors and their market value. sure, it is not an exact science, ma è comunque utile e importante monitorare il fenomeno anche in Italia.

We start from the king of social. And receipts. With Checco Zalone, the two things coincide, since it not only has for years been the protagonist of the film that beat several records (ultimi quelli di Quo vado? e Sole a catinelle), but also what dominates on Facebook, with about 2,6 million likes on his official page and at the top (that you find at the bottom of this article) of the ten most popular actors on Facebook.

But the Apulian comedian is not the only one that perfectly reconciles the success in selling and attention received tickets online. E’ il caso anche di Ficarra e Picone, che recentemente hanno ottenuto il maggiore successo della loro carriera grazie a L’ora legale (in grado di battere anche l’ultimo episodio di Star Wars) and are listed fourth in the ranking of the company, with more than 1,4 million like, to a page where the comedy duo not only promotes his work, but also important social initiatives.

Vanno in coppia invece Christian De Sica ed Enrico Brignano, recenti protagonisti di Poveri ma ricchi, the Italian comedy that behaved better during the last Christmas holidays. De Sica, che ultimamente è stato protagonista anche di Vacanze ai Caraibi e La scuola più bella del mondo, can boast almost 1,2 like millions to their page. Anche più alto il dato di Enrico Brignano, in grado di incassare bene con film come Tutte lo vogliono e Stai lontana da me, and conquered almost 1,5 million fans on Facebook. About artistic partners of De Sica, also Massimo Boldi, one of the most popular comedians of the last thirty years, gets rave on Facebook, with more than 800.000 like.

certainly, un’altra grande storia di successo è quella di Aldo, John and James, that in the last twenty years have been involved in some of the largest absolute success of our cinema, come Così è la vita e Chiedimi se sono felice, and appearing in second place in the standings with social 1,8 millions. In their case, il loro seguito su Facebook dimostra come il rapporto di affetto più che ventennale con i fan rimane sempre tale, although recently the movies they made a misstep, Fuga to rheumatism Park, their only title that has not shone at the box office.

Special cases
In the top ten, There are also two different cases. Terence Hill è l’unico che ormai non fa più cinema, but the popularity gained in the seventies and eighties (soprattutto in coppia con Bud Spencer) and confirmed by his TV characters (gli unici in grado di sfidare gli ascolti de Il commissario Montalbano), allows him to have almost 1,2 million fans on his page. merit, also, of a series of beautiful vintage photo, that take us back to the golden age of Italian Westerns.

Decisamente differente il caso di Maccio Capatonda, that the top ten is definitely what you must do more to its popularity to the Internet, also because of its fortunate parodies. His strong following on social (currently, more than 900.000 fan on Facebook) certainly he contributed to the success of his first film, average Italian.

What we understand from this information? Considering that there are artists who do not get results at the height of their popularity on social, we understand that even the most successful actors can not simply turn these spaces into the 'billboards', but finding a dialogue with fans in a sincere and original.

It 'also interesting to note how many historical names use their pages to reproduce clips and memories of their past. In this way, a Facebook page allows a fan to be able to enjoy some cult moments in which he is particularly fond of and revives a relationship with viewers who maybe started from childhood (if you think, in particular, a Terence Hill).

Needless to say that many of these artists, not limited to the world of cinema, but they have a significant portion of their popularity to television. And some are often engaged in theater, a great way to confront the audience up close. in conclusion, their multimedia is perfect for Facebook (O, in the case of many young performers, your Instagram, dove magari ottengono anche risultati migliori rispetto quallo che avviene sulla creatura di Mark Zuckerberg).

in conclusion, it is increasingly important for these artists to have a strong presence on social. Though, to be honest, We must not forget…

Nonostante i social siano sempre di più un’esigenza per iniziare a farsi conoscere (prima) and maintain an ongoing relationship with the public (after), There are also the stars that make it less. For example, Alessandro Siani in questi anni è stato il comico che ha ottenuto i maggiori incassi dopo Zalone, grazie a pellicole come Si accettano miracoli e Il principe abusivo, but it does not have an official page. Lo stesso avviene per Paola Cortellesi, che nonostante sia stata protagonista in questi anni di pellicole campione d’incasso come Un boss in salotto e Scusate se esisto!, He prefers not to be, tanto da mettere in guardia dalle imitazioni in questo video su Youtube. curiously, also Antonio Albanese, che assieme alla Cortellesi ha partecipato al recentissimo Mamma o papà, It is not present on Facebook. We'll see if it will change their minds in the future…


I dieci attori più popolari su Facebook

1 – Checco Zalone 2.597.558 fan
2 – Aldo, John and James 1.795.062 fan
3 – Enrico Brignano 1470957 fan
4 – Ficarra & Picone 1433760 fan
5 – Christian De Sica 1.180.621 fan
6 – Claudio Bisio 1.002.567 fan
7 – Terence Hill 1.186.085 fan
8 – Maccio Capatonda 930.446 fan
9 – Raul Bova 897.239 fan
10 – Massimo Boldi 803.714 fan