Wacraft: L’Inizio – Influencer Ambassador

Per l’uscita al cinema di Warcraft – L’Inizio, based on the play and the global phenomenon of Blizzard Entertainment, We identified three Creator related to the public that you wanted to achieve, Stepny, Anima e Klaus, che sono stati costantemente coinvolti in una serie di operazioni e avvenimenti che hanno accompagnato il film dall’avvio, con il rilascio del primo materiale ufficiale, all’uscita al cinema.

I tre YouTuber hanno accompagnato le varie iniziative e i concorsi legati alla promozione del film e hanno anche rilanciando i materiali ufficiali di Warcraft – L’Inizio a partire dal poster. Qui di seguito, eg, un Gram di lancio del poster realizzato in occasione del Romics.

Screenshot 2017-02-10 12.31.40

The three gamer hanno dedicato al film una serie di video, He is commenting on the two trailers released released, that raising unpublished materials: one of them, Klaus, He was invited to Los Angeles to spend a special day on set rebuilt of the film together with other influencer Worldwide.

Below you can find three examples of videos that the three guys have made this operation in which they were involved, one where commenting on the trailer, another on the day guide to LA and another that contains the “review” the film that the three were able to see a preview in Milan.

Suicide Squad – influence Crossover

A output support to the cinema Suicide Squad we have made on behalf of Warner Bros. an operation of influence crossover which involved 5 influencer selected for their resemblance to the characters of “squad” Film and with the precise non-conventional objective of achieving so a critical target for the success of the film, seeking among other things a good balance of being present among Facebook, YouTube e Instagram. Gli influencer coinvolti sono stati truccati e travestiti ognuno da un personaggio iconico e chiave del film per poi produrre dei video coerenti con i propri format e pubblciarli all’interno del loro abituale palinsesto, integrando con una copertura sui loro altri canali social.

Besides making all part of “squad” the operation saw Soul and The Sabri Gamer work in pairs, with two video head on the respective channels, as well as Simone and Anthony Paciello Francesco, and he gave way to a long tail of spontaneous activity on Instagram accompanied dall'hashtag #SuicideSquadIT.

Anima – Joker

The Sabri Gamer – Harley Quinn

Simone Paciello – Deadshot

Antony Di Francesco – The devil

Giulia Penna – The Enchantress