HIT MANIA TRAILER – April's most popular trailers 2020

trailers released

Also this month the column #HitManiaTrailer returns with the most popular trailers on Facebook and YouTube in April. Compared to the previous month, the ranking in the first places remains unchanged and Togo opens the top ten again.

In first place in the ranking, il trailer ufficiale di Togo, the original Disney + movie, ottiene un engagement score di 58.4K con 1.4M video views totali. In sixth and ninth place there are two other contents of the Disney streaming platform: the official trailer of Behind the scenes of the parks: The Imagineering Story places us higher with an engagement score of 9K e 1.3M total video views compared to the official trailer of Timmy Frana con 264K video views e un engagement score di 2.7K.

Two new official trailers also come from the Disney universe: that of Soul which gains fifth place with an engagement score of 10.1K e 206K total video views and that of Jungle Cruise which ranks tenth with an engagement score of 2K e 61.5K video views totali.

In eighth position, the official trailer of the new chapter of the Universal saga, Fast & Furious 9, ottiene un engagement score di 3.5K con 144K video views. A higher position, in seventh place, il teaser trailer di After 2 reaches 263K video views with 5.8K of engagement score. On the podium in third place, the official trailer for the Sony animated title – Superconnessi – ottiene un engagement score di 50K con 5M video views.

In the top ten we also find some Netflix-branded titles: in fourth place the official trailer of the third season of Elite con un engagement score di 20K e 238K video views totali, while the video of the fourth part of La Casa di Carta ranks second with 161K video views e un engagement score di 52.5K.

Non dimenticate di tornare su Hit Mania Trailer per scoprire le evoluzioni della classifica nel mese di Maggio o scriveteci a hitmaniatrailer@bradek.it se desiderate che i vostri trailer appaiano in classifica.

HIT MANIA TRAILER – The most popular trailers of March 2020

trailers released

The rubric #HitManiaTrailer back to keep you company in this lockdown period with the most popular trailers on Facebook and Youtube in the month of March. To open the top ten is just a Disney + content, Disney's new streaming platform, which debuted last 24 Marzo.

In first position we find the official trailer of Togo, the new four-legged friend of the Disney universe, con un engagement score di 69.9K e 1.6M video views totali. Sixth and seventh place two other Disney + content: con un engagement score di 9K e 1.3M total video views the official trailer for The Imagineering Story records slightly better performances than the trailer for Timmy Frana that reaches 776.2K video views totali con un engagement score di 8.5K.

In the top ten we also find three Netflix content: in second place the video that anticipates the fourth part of The Paper House ottiene un engagement score di 52.5K e 162.5K total video lives, while in fourth position the trailer of the third season of Elite reaches 294.4K video views with an engagement score of 43.3K. The teaser video of the fourth season of Stranger Things ranks 10th in the ranking with 2.1K of engagement score e 52.9K video views totali.

On the podium in third place, the official trailer for Sony's new animated title, Superconnessi, raggiunge un engagement score di 50.1K e 5M video views totali. Further down, in fifth position, the trailer for another animation title, Soul, (in this case Disney) gets 206.3K video views with an engagement score of 10.1K.

Going down some position, in eighth place we find the trailer for After 2: the new chapter of the Leone Film Group franchise reaches an engagement score of 6K con 275.1K video views totali. Il trailer ufficiale di Fast & Furious 9 ranks ninth with 157.6K video views and an engagement score of 4K.

Non dimenticate di tornare su Hit Mania Trailer per scoprire le evoluzioni della classifica nel mese di Aprile o scriveteci a hitmaniatrailer@bradek.it se desiderate che i vostri trailer appaiano in classifica.

HIT MANIA TRAILER – I trailer più popolari di Febbraio 2020

trailers released

Despite the difficulties of this period, address book #HitManiaTrailer back to keep you company with the ranking of the most popular movie trailers on the company in the month of February and to open the top ten they think adorable Lady and the Tramp.

In first place with a score of engagement 99.5K, the official trailer for the live-action Lady and the Tramp, distributed on the new streaming platform from Disney + 24 March, can not reach 1.9M video views totali. Also on the series will debut Disney + The Mandalorian that with the official trailer positioned in seventh place gets an engagement score 25.9K e 2.3M video views totali.

From the universe Disney are second in the official trailer de The Call of the Wild con un engagement score di 84.3K e 2.1M video views totali, while in fifth place the new trailer for Mulan reaches 1.2M video views totali e un engagement score di 45.7K. The new trailer Onward – Besides the magic It ranks eighth with 3.3M video views totali e un engagement score di 25.8K.

Universal is presented in the standings with three titles: in tenth place with the official trailer horror The Invisible Man that counts 488.6K video views totali e un engagement score di 13.5K; more about sixth in the trailer for the new chapter of the saga, Fast & Furious 9, get a score of engagement 35.1K con 1.9M video views totali; Finally, just below the podium, al quarto posto, the trailer for the new film of Minions (Minions 2: As Crane became Despicable) reaches 1.8M video views totali con un engagement score di 61.4K.

In ninth place we find the new chapter teaser trailer After con un engagement score di 23.6K e 540.9K video views totali. Sul podio, in the third position, Netflix is ​​present with the teaser of the fourth season Stranger Things: the video has reached an engagement score 63.4K e 344.8K video views totali.

Non dimenticate di tornare suHit Mania Trailer per scoprire le evoluzioni della classifica nel mese di Marzo o scriveteci ahitmaniatrailer@bradek.it se desiderate che i vostri trailer appaiano in classifica.