Cresce l’Italia digitale, Use the app to record levels

More videos, increasingly mobile, more and more social. These are the main findings of research conducted by ComScore "Internet in Italy - The Trend of 2017", a photograph of the state of the digital in Italy.

As the online population, the gap than in more developed markets is still evident. The overall Internet penetration is highest in the US (87%), in the UK (83%) and also in France (79%), Spain (78%) and Germany (77%). Increasing in Italy who can be called 'mobile only', namely that connect exclusively to mobile devices: represent one-third of those who connect via desktop PCs and are mainly very young.


It increases the frequency of the video display, and the mobile plays an increasingly important role. Traffic internet via smartphones and tablets has focused on certain types of content and few applications. The attention of the Italians is catalyzed primarily by messages and social networks, unlike what happens in the US or the UK, where mobile is primarily accessing entertainment content. A trend that in the short term may be stronger in Italy, because in our country are 4,4 million users watching videos almost every day from Mobile. The growth of the views from smartphones in Italy (+15% in 2016) It is second only to that recorded in Germany (+19%). Fewer and fewer users who watch video from the desktop computer (-5%).

The app is spent today about 90% the time spent on mobile devices and the 57% of the total time online. 6 minutes of 10 They are spent on Facebook or WhatsApp, and all the top ten applications Ranked belong to Facebook and Google.


L’e-commerce instead has not reach international standards, but its growth, albeit slowly, it is constant.

The ad blocking phenomenon in Italy is contained and stable: only the 13% of unique users who surf from desktop in Italy has installed a software to block while the mobile penetration is still marginal.
